Pressing Issues Facing our Community and State. Click a Topic to Read More.
Your government should represent YOU; do what’s in YOUR best interest. In Idaho, that means serving Idahoans, not woke globalist corporations, foreign governments, leftist Federal mandates or any other special interest that attempts to violate our rights. Your local government should not be taking bribes and giving unfair advantage to specific companies, picking winners and losers and pushing good local businesses out of the market. Government should not be pushing degeneracy in our community while most Idahoans disapprove. None of these corrupt activities benefit Idaho. If government doesn’t serve the people it represents, what’s the point?
Your government should represent YOU; do what’s in YOUR best interest. In Idaho, that means serving Idahoans, not woke globalist corporations, foreign governments, leftist Federal mandates or any other special interest that attempts to violate our rights. Your local government should not be taking bribes and giving unfair advantage to specific companies, picking winners and losers and pushing good local businesses out of the market. Government should not be pushing degeneracy in our community while most Idahoans disapprove. None of these corrupt activities benefit Idaho. If government doesn’t serve the people it represents, what’s the point?
In Idaho, you can’t win many positions as anything other than a Republican. So Democrats cheat. They fraudulently switch parties to vote for leftist candidates in Republican primaries. They fraudulently run as Republicans for office, then vote for and pass Democrat agendas. We call these con artists RINOS (Republicans In Name Only). Idaho has one of the worst cases of fraudulent party affiliation in the nation. ILA (the Institute for Legislative Analysis) found that although on paper, Idaho’s legislature has a Republican supermajority, they vote as if they are Democrats.
RINOS and Democrats are in full control of the Idaho State Senate (21 voting as if they were Democrats compared to 14 voting as true Republicans). And of those 14 true Republicans, only 10 are conservative!
The true Republicans in the House are barely holding a slim majority. Only 20 out of 70 representatives in the Idaho House are Conservative!
Governor Brad Little received a limited government rating of 42.53% which places him among philosophical Democrats.
We need to expose every RINO in Idaho’s government from the Senate to the Precinct Committeemen. We need to support the most conservative candidates and vote the RINOS out.
Governor Brad Little received a limited government rating of 42.53% which places him among philosophical Democrats.
We need to expose every RINO in Idaho’s government from the Senate to the Precinct Committeemen. We need to support the most conservative candidates and vote the RINOS out.
Corruption is a relentless problem in government. It takes perpetual vigilance to keep it at bay. Idaho’s corruption is damaging our state. It must be exposed and uprooted.
Consider the following companies, all of which sponsored the Boise Pride Festival where they attempted to sexualize children in a child drag show. Why would they do this when much of their customer base strongly opposes it?
- Albertsons
- Wells Fargo
- Target
- Hewlett Packard
- Walmart
- Micron
- AT&T
- Procter & Gamble
- Macy’s
- Amazon
- Chase
- JPMorgan Chase & Co.
Like most large publicly traded corporations, you’ll find the same three asset management companies: Blackrock, Vanguard, and Statestreet, among their largest shareholders.
Blackrock has a strong influence over our federal government, media, powerful corporations, and thereby wields power over the world. Blackrock’s CEO, Larry Fink, stated “At Blackrock we are forcing behaviors… If you don’t force behaviors whether it’s gender or race… you’re gonna be impacted… We’re going to have to force change.” He’s been pushing ESG as a rating system, which is why so many companies are pushing critical race theory, affirmative action, transgenderism, pride festivals, the sexualization of children, and other leftist agendas.
International Rescue Committee (IRC) is another sponsor of the Boise Pride Festival and Child Drag Show. This organization operates in 22 cities throughout the United States. It’s funded in part by the notorious Hedge fund billionaire, George Soros, who continually sponsors movements (like BLM) that cause civil unrest in Western nations.
IACI (Idaho Association of Commerce & industry) claims to be Idaho’s most effective business lobby since 1974. Members of IACI include the following companies, all of which funded the Boise Pride Festival and Child Drag Show.
BlueCross of Idaho
Idaho Power
Intermountain Gas
St Luke’s
Governor Brad Little was chair of the IACI board. His Chief of Staff, Zach Hauge, was Vice President of IACI. In 2022, most of these IACI members contributed large sums to Brad Little’s campaign.
Blue Cross of Idaho: $10,000
Idaho Power: $10,000
Intermountain Gas: $10,000
Micron: $10,000
Simplot: $10,000
IACI member, St. Lukes, was the largest private sector recipient of COVID funds courtesy of Brad Little. St Lukes promotes what they call “Medical options for gender affirmation.” I call it chemical castration, surgical mutilation, child abuse, and a violation of the Hippocratic Oath.
The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare was the largest public sector recipient of COVID funds courtesy of Brad Little. In 2021 the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare donated $164,000 of tax payer money to pride groups / festivals throughout Idaho. The foster care system they manage actively funnels vulnerable kids into the hands of leftist parents. They literally call their foster parent training program “PRIDE.”
So as you can see, Blackrock influenced corporations, IACI members, our Governor, and influential Idaho bureaucrats have a leftist agenda. And there is big money passed between them, which is why they hold so much sway in our state.
We must expose, boycott, and remove them from power. We need to support true conservative candidates. The Ada County Republican Central Committee has taken steps to begin a vetting and endorsement system in order to help voters distinguish true conservative Republican candidates from RINOs. This is a great first step!
As consumers I encourage you to vote with your pocketbook, to support businesses that are nonpolitical or conservative-friendly, like Winco, D&B Supply, and Hobby Lobby. the following web pages can help you avoid hostile businesses and support the good guys…
This is another form of corruption in Idaho. Read the next topic to learn more…
Our governor who votes like a Democrat, accepted billions of dollars from the federal government, under the condition that he would put our state in “emergency status,” suspend our Constitutional rights, coercively shutdown private businesses, and arrest people for going to church, or taking their kids to the park.
This was a violation of both our state sovereignty, and the enumerated powers. Then Biden announced he was going to pass a mandate forcing employees to get the jab. Clearly our federal government is out of control, and has no respect for the Constitutional limits on its power.
This tyranny should not be allowed to cross the Idaho border into our state. Accepting federal bribes should be banned. Our leaders should follow their oath to the Constitution, and protect their citizens from illegal acts committed by the Federal Government.
Our governor who votes like a Democrat, accepted billions of dollars from the federal government, under the condition that he would put our state in “emergency status,” suspend our Constitutional rights, coercively shutdown private businesses, and arrest people for going to church, or taking their kids to the park.
This was a violation of both our state sovereignty, and the enumerated powers. Then Biden announced he was going to pass a mandate forcing employees to get the jab. Clearly our federal government is out of control, and has no respect for the Constitutional limits on its power.
This tyranny should not be allowed to cross the Idaho border into our state. Accepting federal bribes should be banned. Our leaders should follow their oath to the Constitution, and protect their citizens from illegal acts committed by the Federal Government.
We are funding our demise. It needs to stop.
- The Department of Health and Welfare funds degeneracy in our state. This should be shut down.
- The public schools are grooming our children to adopt degenerate lifestyles. This should be shut down. Parents should be in charge of their children’s education. Money for a child’s education should follow that child, whether it goes toward homeschooling expenses or private school tuition. This would result in more competitive incentive both for private schools to lower the cost of tuition, and for educators to serve and respect the values of parents.
- Public Universities promote leftist agendas, attract leftists from out of state to our capital, and teach critical race theory. Funding for these hostile efforts should be discontinued.
- Out-of-state money is influencing our local politics to the detriment of Idahoans. We should take steps to block federal funding used to push leftist agendas, and to block leftist donors from corrupting Republican candidates.
No more vote counting machines.
No more mail-in ballots.
No more illegal immigrants voting.
No more drop boxes.
No more accepting ballots days after the election.
No more certifying election results if we know fraud has been committed.
We should also consider who we allow to vote in our primaries and caucuses.
If a person is a life-long Democrat, or switches party affiliation back and forth each election cycle, shouldn’t that person be disqualified from Republican primaries and caucuses? We wouldn’t allow hostile members of an opposing team to choose our captain. Why let them choose our nominees?
If a person takes advantage of the welfare state even though they’re fully capable of supporting themselves, should that person be allowed to vote to redistribute more wealth away from hard working Americans and into their own pockets?
If a person has an IQ below 70 and is by definition mentally handicapped, should that person be allowed to drive a car, fly a plane, operate heavy machinery, or vote for policies that affect millions?
If a person has been convicted of rape or murder and seriously harmed innocent people without remorse, should that person be allowed to steer the coercive power of the state?
These are serious questions. If we want to avoid a reality similar to the movie “Idiocracy,” we should discuss these issues and apply some common sense. One way to achieve that is to stop allowing the left to control our language, thinking, and laws. At the very least we should prevent Democrats from voting in our primaries. Toward that purpose, we must defeat “Rank Choice Voting.”
No more vote counting machines.
No more mail-in ballots.
No more illegal immigrants voting.
No more drop boxes.
No more accepting ballots days after the election.
No more certifying election results if we know fraud has been committed.
We should also consider who we allow to vote in our primaries and caucuses.
If a person is a life-long Democrat, or switches party affiliation back and forth each election cycle, shouldn’t that person be disqualified from Republican primaries and caucuses? We wouldn’t allow hostile members of an opposing team to choose our captain. Why let them choose our nominees?
If a person takes advantage of the welfare state even though they’re fully capable of supporting themselves, should that person be allowed to vote to redistribute more wealth away from hard working Americans and into their own pockets?
If a person has an IQ below 70 and is by definition mentally handicapped, should that person be allowed to drive a car, fly a plane, operate heavy machinery, or vote for policies that affect millions?
If a person has been convicted of rape or murder and seriously harmed innocent people without remorse, should that person be allowed to steer the coercive power of the state?
These are serious questions. If we want to avoid a reality similar to the movie “Idiocracy,” we should discuss these issues and apply some common sense. One way to achieve that is to stop allowing the left to control our language, thinking, and laws. At the very least we should prevent Democrats from voting in our primaries. Toward that purpose, we must defeat “Rank Choice Voting.”
“A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.”
As a mature, responsible adult, I keep and bear arms. I also train 2 or 3 times a month with vetted conservatives in marksmanship, fitness, emergency first aid, radio communication, law, survival skills, preparedness, conceal carry, and anything else that can prepare us to serve our community in times of need. And I will fight for your right to do the same.
Biden and Mayorkas are flooding our country with millions of unvetted illegal immigrants. We see what happens in anarcho-tyrannies like Chicago where police are prevented from doing their job, peaceful law abiding citizens are oppressed, and criminals are allowed to reek havoc without consequence.
We need to make it abundantly clear that Idaho does not tolerate any harmful acts toward innocent people or their property. All such crimes must be aggressively punished. Violent criminals should be locked in jail, or deported, so they can no longer harm innocent people including our sons and daughters. This is how we maintain a civil society, and a safe environment for our kids.
Biden and Mayorkas are flooding our country with millions of unvetted illegal immigrants. We see what happens in anarcho-tyrannies like Chicago where police are prevented from doing their job, peaceful law abiding citizens are oppressed, and criminals are allowed to reek havoc without consequence.
We need to make it abundantly clear that Idaho does not tolerate any harmful acts toward innocent people or their property. All such crimes must be aggressively punished. Violent criminals should be locked in jail, or deported, so they can no longer harm innocent people including our sons and daughters. This is how we maintain a civil society, and a safe environment for our kids.
The public school system cannot be trusted. Many public school teachers push destructive, leftist delusions, ideologies, and degenerate lifestyles on impressionable students, and don’t think parents have a say in their child’s education. Madness!
I strongly urge you to remove your children from public school, and to either homeschool them or enroll them in a private school that reflects your values. I have experience with both options, and can offer advice to help you.
These “teachers” who tell our children that they’re trapped in the “wrong body,” that they need to be sterilized with puberty blocking hormones, surgically mutilated to “resemble” the opposite sex, or were born to practice a deviant sexual lifestyle, need to be kept as far away from children as possible.
Education should be managed by parents, not government. Why?
Government is not trustworthy.
Parents love their kids more than anyone else, and hence have their children’s best interests at heart.
But if government does manage education spending, the money spent on each student should follow that student, wherever their parents put them, whether that’s for homeschooling expenses or private school tuition. In this way, school choice is far better than the current system where everyone is forced to pay for leftist public schools whether their children attend them or not. If parents were allowed to choose where that money is spent, you’d see a lot more parents homeschooling or sending their kids to conservative private schools, both of which would have a massive positive impact on our future.
People in need who deserve help can get help from family, friends, religious organizations, and charities. People who don’t deserve help (e.g., those who squander money on vices, or embrace sloth as a lifestyle) take advantage of us through the welfare state, and effectively turn us into slaves.
Furthermore, the welfare state subsidizes, rewards and encourages irresponsible behavior. This is why we see an unstable single parent for example, who can’t afford the child they have, continue their promiscuous behavior resulting in several more children! Children, who are much more likely to be abused, and to have all sorts of problems from drug abuse to criminal records as adults.
In a nutshell, the welfare system, makes our problems much worse, encourages bad behavior, and attracts bad behavior to our state. It should be shrunk and ultimately abolished. That way freeloaders will go elsewhere. People will have more incentive to act responsibly. And people of good character who are struggling can still get help from private voluntary entities who vet the people they serve, and get them back on their feet, instead of trapping them in a life of government dependency.
People in need who deserve help can get help from family, friends, religious organizations, and charities. People who don’t deserve help (e.g., those who squander money on vices, or embrace sloth as a lifestyle) take advantage of us through the welfare state, and effectively turn us into slaves.
Furthermore, the welfare state subsidizes, rewards and encourages irresponsible behavior. This is why we see an unstable single parent for example, who can’t afford the child they have, continue their promiscuous behavior resulting in several more children! Children, who are much more likely to be abused, and to have all sorts of problems from drug abuse to criminal records as adults.
In a nutshell, the welfare system, makes our problems much worse, encourages bad behavior, and attracts bad behavior to our state. It should be shrunk and ultimately abolished. That way freeloaders will go elsewhere. People will have more incentive to act responsibly. And people of good character who are struggling can still get help from private voluntary entities who vet the people they serve, and get them back on their feet, instead of trapping them in a life of government dependency.
Politics is a joke. Ambiguous slogans like “Hope and Change!” mean whatever you want them to mean, yet fail to deliver any positive results. It’s the art of platitudes and false promises. I became an Alternate Precinct Committeeman, not because I wanted to, but because I was asked. And now that I’m here, I’m setting an example of how I’d like candidates to behave.
I want them to tell me everything they support, and everything they oppose.
I want specifics.
I want to know who donates to their campaign.
I want them to serve the interests of their voters.
And I want them to keep their promises.
That way I can be an informed voter and make the best decision. That’s why I’m sharing so many of my thoughts on this page. Please feel free to let me know if you agree or disagree on any topic. My hope is that we can find enough common ground to have a strong positive impact on our community.
The legitimate role of government is tiny. Yet our government has unfortunately managed to grow into a behemoth that intervenes in almost every aspect of our lives.
The more limited government is, the more liberty we have.
The less they take in taxes, the more wealthy we are, and the less they are able to misallocate resources to things like public child drag shows.
The less government spends, the less inflation there is, and hence the lower our cost of living is.
Austrian economics scholars have worked this out. Free market competition to serve consumers tends to benefit consumers. Go figure! The government and it’s spending is the opposite of free market competition. Not only does it have very little incentive to serve us well. It tends to make our problems worse. So, as a general rule, when it comes to government, the smaller the better.
The legitimate role of government is tiny. Yet our government has unfortunately managed to grow into a behemoth that intervenes in almost every aspect of our lives.
The more limited government is, the more liberty we have.
The less they take in taxes, the more wealthy we are, and the less they are able to misallocate resources to things like public child drag shows.
The less government spends, the less inflation there is, and hence the lower our cost of living is.
Austrian economics scholars have worked this out. Free market competition to serve consumers tends to benefit consumers. Go figure! The government and it’s spending is the opposite of free market competition. Not only does it have very little incentive to serve us well. It tends to make our problems worse. So, as a general rule, when it comes to government, the smaller the better.
Reducing the size and spending of government allows us to reduce the tax burden on you.
Reducing spending reduces inflation and hence lowers the cost of everything you purchase.
Illegal immigration is another unnecessary burden. When a 2023 study factored in all the costs and benefits of illegal immigration, it found that the net total fiscal cost of illegal immigration to U.S. tax payers was over $150,000,000,000! So reducing illegal immigration into our country and into Idaho would also do a lot to lower our cost of living.
The federal government gives money to states with strings attached. If a state accepts these handouts, they are obligated to push the federal government’s leftist mandates to the detriment of our local communities. By taking this money, we allow the federal government to control our state, to violate the limits placed on them by the U.S. Constitution, and we give up our sovereignty, i.e., our ability to make our own decisions.
What’s more important?
Our freedom and the well being of Idahoans?
Or taking money from the federal government that our children will have to pay back with interest as federal taxes?
It’s a scam. We shouldn’t take another penny from the federal government. We need leaders of good character who won’t sell us out.
The federal government gives money to states with strings attached. If a state accepts these handouts, they are obligated to push the federal government’s leftist mandates to the detriment of our local communities. By taking this money, we allow the federal government to control our state, to violate the limits placed on them by the U.S. Constitution, and we give up our sovereignty, i.e., our ability to make our own decisions.
What’s more important?
Our freedom and the well being of Idahoans?
Or taking money from the federal government that our children will have to pay back with interest as federal taxes?
It’s a scam. We shouldn’t take another penny from the federal government. We need leaders of good character who won’t sell us out.
We’re being invaded, our votes overruled, our wealth stolen, and our salaries slashed, while our cost of living continues to rise. Our culture and American values are under attack, our language replaced, and thousands of unvetted, violent criminals, rapists, drunk drivers, gang bangers, drug smugglers, literal communists and disease spreaders are flooding into our nation.
We have to do what we can to secure our borders. We have to remove all incentives that attract illegal immigrants to Idaho.
Birthright citizenship should be challenged. Why reward criminals by granting their children citizenship? This is another reason we should squash the welfare state and government entitlements, or at least deny access to illegal immigrants and their families.
We need to give fair warning to employers who hire illegal immigrants and then punish them for doing so once they’ve been warned.
We need to punish illegal immigrants with imprisonment and deportation. Paying for a single plane ticket is far cheaper than paying for all the government entitlements they’ll demand throughout their lifetime. Once again, at the start of 2023, the net cost of illegal immigration for the United States – at the federal, state, and local levels – was at least $150.7 billion.
Our kids are being targeted by predators, sexual deviants, radical leftists, and other misguided movements. We need to get this filth out of our homes, libraries, schools, and the public square. We have obscenity laws in Idaho. We need to enforce them. And no one gets a special pass, including libraries and public schools, to push this poison on our kids.
We strongly urge you to keep your kids off social media which is where many are influenced by these harmful agendas.
Personally, I think we should replace public schools with freely competing (and hence low cost) private schools and homeschooling. But until then, we should ban libraries and public schools from promoting harmful agendas on our kids. Agendas like LGBTQ pride, cultural Marxism, white guilt, critical race theory, pornography, promiscuity, etc.
The left legislates morality all the time. They push their cultish beliefs on our kids relentlessly. We need to fight back. Our children’s lives depend on it.
Our kids are being targeted by predators, sexual deviants, radical leftists, and other misguided movements. We need to get this filth out of our homes, libraries, schools, and the public square. We have obscenity laws in Idaho. We need to enforce them. And no one gets a special pass, including libraries and public schools, to push this poison on our kids.
We strongly urge you to keep your kids off social media which is where many are influenced by these harmful agendas.
Personally, I think we should replace public schools with freely competing (and hence low cost) private schools and homeschooling. But until then, we should ban libraries and public schools from promoting harmful agendas on our kids. Agendas like LGBTQ pride, cultural Marxism, white guilt, critical race theory, pornography, promiscuity, etc.
The left legislates morality all the time. They push their cultish beliefs on our kids relentlessly. We need to fight back. Our children’s lives depend on it.
First, we need to return to a cultural norm of responsibility and temperance. We need to promote chastity, self control, and waiting until marriage, instead of promiscuity. Promiscuity ruins lives, causes unwanted pregnancies, spreads disease, increases the divorce rate, and the rate of child abuse.
We need to teach our kids self control. Personally I don’t think kids should date or be alone with the opposite sex, until they’re mature, responsible, and independent enough to make their own decisions as adults. We need to reestablish the norms and protections that prevented unwanted pregnancies and broken families in the past.
Second, we should squash the welfare state. It shields people from the costs of their promiscuous behavior. It rewards people for having children they cannot afford. Why reward irresponsible behavior? If we remove this perverse incentive, they will either act more responsibly, or move to another state.
Look into the adoption industrial complex and figure out what’s wrong. For two loving parents to acquire an adopted baby it can cost over $50,000. I was adopted. I had a wonderful childhood. The only cost my parents paid to acquire me, was the cost of our plane tickets. So hopefully we can figure out why adoption at infancy is so expensive and help make space for more price competition or something to help connect good parents with babies in need.
Finally, to address abortion directly… I respect a person’s right to choose many things, but not to choose to kill an innocent person. That’s not a right. That’s a violent crime. If leftists don’t like that, they’re free to move to another state where innocent life is unfortunately not respected.
When social media companies were first created, I enjoyed the free exchange of ideas. It was wonderfully enlightening to hear all sides of every issue that mattered. Now, many of those platforms censor perspectives, especially those that challenge the establishment. They censor information that is verifiably true. They are complicit in keeping the masses ignorant and misinformed.
The result is an Orwellian nightmare, in which innocent people are silenced, doxed, fired, blacklisted from bank accounts, credit card processing services, and in some cases are imprisoned without trial for exercising freedom of speech. Furthermore this allows insane delusions to reign supreme, wreaking havoc on our society.
These social media platforms are shielded from liability, by government, under the pretext that they are not regulating content, and hence are not responsible for the content on their site. But they ARE regulating content, so they ARE responsible, and hence, should either lose this legal protection, or allow freedom of speech on their platform. I’d prefer the latter.
We should protect the right to peacefully engage with one another using the written and spoken word, so we can learn from each other and enable the best ideas to rise to the top. That’s not idealistic. That was the world when social media was in its infancy.
Keep in mind, pornography is not speech. Pornography has literally been used as a weapon of war. It is very harmful to our society. I don’t support it.
Words, on the other hand… are how we communicate in a meaningful way. Writing and speaking words should be permitted in the physical or virtual public square, as long as they are not a literal threat of violence against an innocent person. Simply being offended is not a justification to violate one’s Constitutional rights.
When social media companies were first created, I enjoyed the free exchange of ideas. It was wonderfully enlightening to hear all sides of every issue that mattered. Now, many of those platforms censor perspectives, especially those that challenge the establishment. They censor information that is verifiably true. They are complicit in keeping the masses ignorant and misinformed.
The result is an Orwellian nightmare, in which innocent people are silenced, doxed, fired, blacklisted from bank accounts, credit card processing services, and in some cases are imprisoned without trial for exercising freedom of speech. Furthermore this allows insane delusions to reign supreme, wreaking havoc on our society.
These social media platforms are shielded from liability, by government, under the pretext that they are not regulating content, and hence are not responsible for the content on their site. But they ARE regulating content, so they ARE responsible, and hence, should either lose this legal protection, or allow freedom of speech on their platform. I’d prefer the latter.
We should protect the right to peacefully engage with one another using the written and spoken word, so we can learn from each other and enable the best ideas to rise to the top. That’s not idealistic. That was the world when social media was in its infancy.
Keep in mind, pornography is not speech. Pornography has literally been used as a weapon of war. It is very harmful to our society. I don’t support it.
Words, on the other hand… are how we communicate in a meaningful way. Writing and speaking words should be permitted in the physical or virtual public square, as long as they are not a literal threat of violence against an innocent person. Simply being offended is not a justification to violate one’s Constitutional rights.
These actions by government clearly violate the law.
No, you cannot suspend our Constitutional rights simply by declaring an emergency.
You cannot force me to be injected by an experimental agent.
You cannot muzzle me.
You cannot coercively shut down my legal business.
You cannot block my access to a public park.
You cannot close down my Church.
Note: most of these outrageous government actions were the result of our state accepting money from the federal government with strings attached. That needs to stop.
Our adversaries are attempting to… divide and conquer us, undermine our society, disenfranchise any group that opposes them, etc. and there are millions of useful idiots lining up to carry out their dystopian plan.
This is why we have Cultural Marxism, DEI, ESG, affirmative action, critical race theory, anti-white propaganda, etc. These are all poisonous movements that have subverted our race relations, and our nation. As a result of these programs and quotas, people have been selected for various positions based not on skills, ability, and relevant experience, but based on irrelevant factors. Less qualified people are in charge. And the quality of our services and infrastructure is declining.
We need to throw all that nonsense in the garbage, and once again select individuals for crucial positions based on merit, thereby elevating quality of life for all Idahoans.
Our adversaries are attempting to… divide and conquer us, undermine our society, disenfranchise any group that opposes them, etc. and there are millions of useful idiots lining up to carry out their dystopian plan.
This is why we have Cultural Marxism, DEI, ESG, affirmative action, critical race theory, anti-white propaganda, etc. These are all poisonous movements that have subverted our race relations, and our nation. As a result of these programs and quotas, people have been selected for various positions based not on skills, ability, and relevant experience, but based on irrelevant factors. Less qualified people are in charge. And the quality of our services and infrastructure is declining.
We need to throw all that nonsense in the garbage, and once again select individuals for crucial positions based on merit, thereby elevating quality of life for all Idahoans.
I used to live in Chicago. You can literally tell how unsafe a neighborhood is, by the amount of garbage on the street. I’m the guy that jumps out of his car to pickup litter. When I go for a walk or run, I bring a bag to pick up trash. Our community is clean and beautiful and I intend to keep it that way.
I also want my neighborhood to be safe. I want my kids to play outside and my loved ones to move about without fear of violent crime. In Chicago that fear exists. You’re not allowed to defend yourself or your property. Police are ordered to stand down. Crime is out of control. I will never let Idaho fall into that kind of lawlessness.
In comparison Idaho is extremely safe. The people are free to defend themselves which provides an effective deterrent to crime. The people are extremely nice. This place is precious. We need to keep it this way.
Every mature, responsible, law-abiding, peaceful adult should mind their ABCs (always be carrying) to deter violent crime. Any crime that causes harm to innocent people or their property should be aggressively punished. Violent criminals should be locked up, and deported if they’re here illegally.
Again, the welfare state should be squashed, as it subsidizes and hence encourages bad behavior including crime. Charity is a far more effective way to solve problems and to help those in need.
We also need to make sure our police force is well trained to enforce the law, keep our neighborhoods safe, and to protect our Constitutional Rights for which they swore an oath. The police should be well supported in this effort.
In summary we need to be tough on crime, specifically on crimes that harm innocent people.
So much of our modern culture spits in the face of Jesus Christ. Idaho adults are 67% Christian. Our government represents us. So its actions and policies should reflect our values, not treat us with utter contempt. Just as one example, in 2021, the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare donated $164,000 of our money to LGBTQ Pride groups / festivals in Idaho that flaunt obscenities in front of children. So not only are they using our money to support causes we oppose. They’re promoting lifestyles that are openly hostile toward Christianity within our communities. Movements that literally target our children and encourage them to adopt sinful unhealthy lifestyles.
And these are the people who claim to support multi-culturalism… while they do everything to undermine and destroy our unique Idaho culture, and every other culture that stands in the way of their dystopian vision.
We need to defend our communities. We need to defend Christendom. We want to serve God and bring people to a more righteous Godly, healthy, stable life. To do that we need to exist. We need to set our kids on the right path. We need to serve as positive examples to others. We need to love the people who oppose us. But we should not tolerate their acts of public obscenity, nor should we fund their efforts to promote sin. We deserve more respect from our elected officials and their unelected appointees.
So much of our modern culture spits in the face of Jesus Christ. Idaho adults are 67% Christian. Our government represents us. So its actions and policies should reflect our values, not treat us with utter contempt. Just as one example, in 2021, the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare donated $164,000 of our money to LGBTQ Pride groups / festivals in Idaho that flaunt obscenities in front of children. So not only are they using our money to support causes we oppose. They’re promoting lifestyles that are openly hostile toward Christianity within our communities. Movements that literally target our children and encourage them to adopt sinful unhealthy lifestyles.
And these are the people who claim to support multi-culturalism… while they do everything to undermine and destroy our unique Idaho culture, and every other culture that stands in the way of their dystopian vision.
We need to defend our communities. We need to defend Christendom. We want to serve God and bring people to a more righteous Godly, healthy, stable life. To do that we need to exist. We need to set our kids on the right path. We need to serve as positive examples to others. We need to love the people who oppose us. But we should not tolerate their acts of public obscenity, nor should we fund their efforts to promote sin. We deserve more respect from our elected officials and their unelected appointees.
We need to have more kids, and raise them right. If we don’t, our civilization will decline further and eventually collapse. Government can provide incentives to have more kids in a responsible way, by removing the tax burden on families who support themselves. The more kids they have, the more tax relief they should receive.
We need to encourage marriage and discourage divorce. Why? Because this results in a low-crime stable society. Again, government can provide incentives by removing tax burdens on couples who stay married.
Now to touch on a sensitive but crucial topic. Marriage should be defined as between a man and a woman for the purpose of procreation. Many Idahoans would agree with this simply based on their religious beliefs.
Why else does this make sense? Well, let’s consider the opposite extreme. Like sharing needles and syringes, adopting a promiscuous deviant lifestyle, the antithesis of traditional family values, puts people at high risk for deadly STDs. Just as you would discourage someone you cared about from starting a dangerous drug habit, if you’re consistent you would also discourage them from adopting a dangerous lifestyle, and encourage them instead toward healthy traditional family values.
Here’s another reason…. the traditional family is the foundation on which civilizations are built. This is the institution of marriage that has been established, and enforced for thousands of years to sustain a society. And people today think they know better.
Here’s another one… a traditional family with a man and woman (a real man and woman) provides all the necessary role models children need: a husband, wife, father, and mother. Daughters learn how to be a good wife and mother. Boys learn how to be a good husband and father. Each daughter learns what to look for when choosing a husband, and father for her future children. Each son learns what to look for when choosing a wife, and mother for his future children.
The father’s presence serves to provide for the family, protect the family, and keep the children in line. The mother’s presence serves to nourish and nurture the children, provide a safe loving home, and bless the family in that way only a mother can. All members of the family are unique, complementary, and function better together, yet similar enough to be compatible.
The mother relates to what the girl is going through. The father relates to what the boy is going through. The father can best protect the daughter, because he knows the mind of young men. There is something very special about a father-daughter relationship, and something very special about a mother-son relationship. Why deny these relationships to children?
Furthermore we need to have as many children as possible. Children need playmates. Sons need brothers to play with. Daughters need sisters to play with. Our culture and civilization need an above replacement birthrate just to survive. Likewise if we don’t sustain greater numbers than our adversaries, Idaho will be flipped, guaranteed.
Back to the traditional family… Yes there are other lifestyles. No I don’t have any hatred toward people who choose those lifestyles. I love all people, and want what’s best for them. All that said, the traditional family described above is still the foundation of a strong, healthy, moral, peaceful, sustainable society, and one that should be strongly encouraged for the betterment of mankind.
The Precinct Committeeman is the boots-on-the-ground link between the voters in our neighborhood and the Ada County Republican party. I care about you guys. I care about the neighborhood we share. What effects you and your family, effects me and my family. That’s why I’m running for this position.
If you have a concern, please let me know. My priority after God and family, is Precinct 2211. Then District 22, followed by Ada County, and Idaho… in that order. Those are my circles of influence, for which I care the most. My goal is to serve the interests of the people who live here, not the federal government, not woke global corporations, not any special interest other than the people I represent. So please let me know what’s on your mind…
The Precinct Committeeman is the boots-on-the-ground link between the voters in our neighborhood and the Ada County Republican party. I care about you guys. I care about the neighborhood we share. What effects you and your family, effects me and my family. That’s why I’m running for this position.
If you have a concern, please let me know. My priority after God and family, is Precinct 2211. Then District 22, followed by Ada County, and Idaho… in that order. Those are my circles of influence, for which I care the most. My goal is to serve the interests of the people who live here, not the federal government, not woke global corporations, not any special interest other than the people I represent. So please let me know what’s on your mind…